Join your favorite campers and bring a dish to share. Enjoy some of the best breakfast in town while soaking up some sun on the beach.
8am breakfast on the beach
8am breakfast on the beach
Put on your dancing shoes and celebrate summer at our street party. We'll have music, games, and more fun than you can imagine!!!
6pm Street party
Wildlife Cornhole will be hosting a tournament at the campground. Registration is at noon, bags fly at 1pm. There will be an entry fee to play.
12pm cornhole tournament
12pm cornhole tournament
At 10am, on the last Sunday of the month our seasonal campers are welcome to join us in the small field behind the store. We'll chat about upcoming events and changes happening within the campground.
10am seasonal meeting
Get here early if you want a good seat and lucky cards!! If you have never played before that's ok, we will teach you how the game works. Enjoy good company and lots of laughs as you try to win a verity of meat
3pm meat roll
There is not much we're allowed to say about this event... We suggest asking your fellow campers for some helpful tips... just be careful not everyone can be trusted.
7:30pm Oogabooga